C++: Arithmetic Evaluation


Create a program which parses and evaluates arithmetic expressions.

  • An abstract-syntax tree (AST) for the expression must be created from parsing the input.
  • The AST must be used in evaluation, also, so the input may not be directly evaluated (e.g. by calling eval or a similar language feature.)
  • The expression will be a string or list of symbols like “(1+3)*7”.
  • The four symbols + – * / must be supported as binary operators with conventional precedence rules.
  • Precedence-control parentheses must also be supported.

For those who don’t remember, mathematical precedence is as follows:

  • Parentheses
  • Multiplication/Division (left to right)
  • Addition/Subtraction (left to right)

#include <boost/spirit.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/tree/ast.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>

using boost::spirit::rule;
using boost::spirit::parser_tag;
using boost::spirit::ch_p;
using boost::spirit::real_p;

using boost::spirit::tree_node;
using boost::spirit::node_val_data;

// The grammar
struct parser: public boost::spirit::grammar<parser>
	enum rule_ids { addsub_id, multdiv_id, value_id, real_id };

	struct set_value
		set_value(parser const& p): self(p) {}
		void operator()(tree_node<node_val_data<std::string::iterator,
		double> >& node,
		std::string::iterator begin,
		std::string::iterator end) const
		parser const& self;

	mutable double tmp;

	template<typename Scanner> struct definition
		rule<Scanner, parser_tag<addsub_id> > addsub;
		rule<Scanner, parser_tag<multdiv_id> > multdiv;
		rule<Scanner, parser_tag<value_id> > value;
		rule<Scanner, parser_tag<real_id> > real;

		definition(parser const& self)
			using namespace boost::spirit;
			addsub = multdiv
			>> *((root_node_d[ch_p('+')] | root_node_d[ch_p('-')]) >> multdiv);
			multdiv = value
			>> *((root_node_d[ch_p('*')] | root_node_d[ch_p('/')]) >> value);
			value = real | inner_node_d[('(' >> addsub >> ')')];
			real = leaf_node_d[access_node_d[real_p[assign_a(self.tmp)]][set_value(self)]];

		rule<Scanner, parser_tag<addsub_id> > const& start() const
			return addsub;

template<typename TreeIter>
double evaluate(TreeIter const& i)
	double op1, op2;
	switch (i->value.id().to_long())
	case parser::real_id:
		return i->value.value();
	case parser::value_id:
	case parser::addsub_id:
	case parser::multdiv_id:
		op1 = evaluate(i->children.begin());
		op2 = evaluate(i->children.begin()+1);
		case '+':
			return op1 + op2;
		case '-':
			return op1 - op2;
		case '*':
			return op1 * op2;
		case '/':
			return op1 / op2;
			assert(!"Should not happen");
		assert(!"Should not happen");
	return 0;

// the read/eval/write loop
int main()
	parser eval;
	std::string line;
	while (std::cout << "Expression: "
	&& std::getline(std::cin, line)
	&& !line.empty())
		typedef boost::spirit::node_val_data_factory<double> factory_t;
		boost::spirit::tree_parse_info<std::string::iterator, factory_t> info =
		boost::spirit::ast_parse<factory_t>(line.begin(), line.end(),
		eval, boost::spirit::space_p);
		if (info.full)
			std::cout << "Result: " << evaluate(info.trees.begin()) << std::endl;
			std::cout << "Error in expression." << std::endl;


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