C++ Puzzles/Games Posted on September 1, 2017April 1, 2018 by TFE Times C++: Create an HTML Table C++: Guess the Number C++: Elementary Cellular Automaton C++: Largest Int from Concatenated Ints C++: Day of the Week C++: Five Weekends C++: Menu C++: Long Multiplication C++: Leap Year C++: Anagrams C++: Date Manipulation C++: Flipping Bits Game C++: Monty Hall Problem C++: N-Queens Problem C++: FizzBuzz C++: Generator C++: ABC Problem C++: Flatten a List C++: Date Format C++: Langton’s Ant C++: Comma Quibbling C++: Dutch National Flag Problem C++: Guess the Number With Feedback C++: Gray Code C++: Inverted Syntax C++: 24 Game C++: Bulls and Cows C++: 99 Bottles of Beer C++: Josephus Problem C++: MD5 C++: Fibonacci Word Fractals C++: I Before E Except After C C++: Letter Frequency C++: Minesweeper Game C++: Discordian Date C++: Fractran C++: Middle Three Digits C++: Mutex C++: Find the Last Sunday of Each Month C++: Guess the Number With Feedback (Vs Player) C++: Continuous Knapsack Problem C++: Move-To-Front Algorithm C++: Empty Program C++: Execute HQ9+ C++: Mad Libs C++: Execute Brain**** C++: 100 Doors Problem C++: Loop Over Multiple Arrays Simultaneously C++: Knight’s Tour C++: Find the Missing Permutation C++: Align Columns C++: Increment a Numerical String C++: IBAN C++: Deal Cards for FreeCell C++: Evolutionary Algorithm C++: Greatest Subsequential Sum C++: Deranged Anagrams C++: Fibonacci Word C++: Multiplication Tables C++: Man Or Boy Test C++: Luhn Test of Credit Card Numbers C++: Dining Philosophers C++: Balanced Brackets C++: Floyd’s Triangle C++: LZW Compression C++: Input/Output for Pairs of Numbers C++: Generate Chess960 Starting Position C++: Knuth’s Algorithm S C++: Knapsack Problem C++: Last Friday of Each Month C++: Box the Compass C++: Calendar C++: Bounded Knapsack Problem C++: Knuth Shuffle C++: Longest Increasing Subsequence Related