The phrase “I before E, except after C” is a widely known mnemonic which is supposed to help when spelling English words.
- Task Description
Using the word list from, check if the two sub-clauses of the phrase are plausible individually:
- “I before E when not preceded by C”
- “E before I when preceded by C”
If both sub-phrases are plausible then the original phrase can be said to be plausible.
Something is plausible if the number of words having the feature is more than two times the number of words having the opposite feature (where feature is ‘ie’ or ‘ei’ preceded or not by ‘c’ as appropriate).
- Stretch goal
As a stretch goal use the entries from the table of Word Frequencies in Written and Spoken English: based on the British National Corpus, (selecting those rows with three space or tab separated words only), to see if the phrase is plausible when word frequencies are taken into account.
Show your output here as well as your program.
1. The task fails to consider whether certain words should be excluded. Proper names, words with a basis in a foreign language (e.g. geisha), etc. 2. Some words have multiple occurrences of the patterns. 3. Another way to determine overall plausibility would be to add all pro/con arguments together; this would result in a different outcome with the input file in question. 4. If the file changes, the outcome will possibly be different. sha1 of file 2013-12-30: 058f8872306ef36f679d44f1b556334a13a85b57 unixdict.txt 5. Build with g++ -Wall -std=c++0x thisfile.cpp -lboost_regex (Test used 4.4, so only a limited number of C++11 features were used.)
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <tuple> #include <vector> #include <stdexcept> #include <boost/regex.hpp> struct Claim { Claim(const std::string& name) : name_(name), pro_(0), against_(0), propats_(), againstpats_() { } void add_pro(const std::string& pat) { propats_.push_back(std::make_tuple(boost::regex(pat), pat[0] == '^')); } void add_against(const std::string& pat) { againstpats_.push_back(std::make_tuple(boost::regex(pat), pat[0] == '^')); } bool plausible() const { return pro_ > against_*2; } void check(const char * buf, uint32_t len) { for (auto i = propats_.begin(), ii = propats_.end(); i != ii; ++i) { uint32_t pos = 0; boost::cmatch m; if (std::get<1>(*i) && pos > 0) continue; while (pos < len && boost::regex_search(buf+pos, buf+len, m, std::get<0>(*i))) { ++pro_; if (pos > 0) std::cerr << name_ << " [pro] multiple matches in: " << buf << "\n"; pos += m.position() + m.length(); } } for (auto i = againstpats_.begin(), ii = againstpats_.end(); i != ii; ++i) { uint32_t pos = 0; boost::cmatch m; if (std::get<1>(*i) && pos > 0) continue; while (pos < len && boost::regex_search(buf+pos, buf+len, m, std::get<0>(*i))) { ++against_; if (pos > 0) std::cerr << name_ << " [against] multiple matches in: " << buf << "\n"; pos += m.position() + m.length(); } } } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Claim& c); private: std::string name_; uint32_t pro_; uint32_t against_; // tuple<regex,begin only> std::vector<std::tuple<boost::regex,bool>> propats_; std::vector<std::tuple<boost::regex,bool>> againstpats_; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Claim& c) { os << c.name_ << ": matches: " << c.pro_ << " vs. counter matches: " << c.against_ << ". "; os << "Plausibility: " << (c.plausible() ? "yes" : "no") << "."; return os; } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { try { if (argc < 2) throw std::runtime_error("No input file."); std::ifstream is(argv[1]); if (! is) throw std::runtime_error("Input file not valid."); Claim ieclaim("[^c]ie"); ieclaim.add_pro("[^c]ie"); ieclaim.add_pro("^ie"); ieclaim.add_against("[^c]ei"); ieclaim.add_against("^ei"); Claim ceiclaim("cei"); ceiclaim.add_pro("cei"); ceiclaim.add_against("cie"); { const uint32_t MAXLEN = 32; char buf[MAXLEN]; uint32_t longest = 0; while (is) { is.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)); if (is.gcount() <= 0) break; else if (is.gcount() > longest) longest = is.gcount(); ieclaim.check(buf, is.gcount()); ceiclaim.check(buf, is.gcount()); } if (longest >= MAXLEN) throw std::runtime_error("Buffer too small."); } std::cout << ieclaim << "\n"; std::cout << ceiclaim << "\n"; std::cout << "Overall plausibility: " << (ieclaim.plausible() && ceiclaim.plausible() ? "yes" : "no") << "\n"; } catch (const std::exception& ex) { std::cerr << "*** Error: " << ex.what() << "\n"; return -1; } return 0; }
- Output:
[^c]ie [pro] multiple matches in: siegfried [^c]ie [against] multiple matches in: weinstein [^c]ie: matches: 466 vs. counter matches: 217. Plausibility: yes. cei: matches: 13 vs. counter matches: 24. Plausibility: no. Overall plausibility: no
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