C++: Date Format


Display the current date in the formats of “2007-11-10” and “Sunday, November 10, 2007”.

// Display the current date in the formats of "2007-11-10"
// and "Sunday, November 10, 2007". 

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

/** Return the current date in a string, formatted as either ISO-8601
*  or "Weekday-name, Month-name Day, Year".
*  The date is initialized when the object is created and will return
*  the same date for the lifetime of the object.  The date returned
*  is the date in the local timezone.
class Date
	struct tm ltime;

	/// Default constructor.
		time_t t = time(0);
		localtime_r(&t, &ltime);

	/** Return the date based on a format string.  The format string is
	*  fed directly into strftime().  See the strftime() documentation
	*  for information on the proper construction of format strings.
	*  @param[in] fmt is a valid strftime() format string.
	*  @return a string containing the formatted date, or a blank string
	*      if the format string was invalid or resulted in a string that
	*      exceeded the internal buffer length.
	std::string getDate(const char* fmt)
		char out[200];
		size_t result = strftime(out, sizeof out, fmt, &ltime);
		return std::string(out, out + result);

	/** Return the date in ISO-8601 date format.
	*  @return a string containing the date in ISO-8601 date format.
	std::string getISODate() {return getDate("%F");}

	/** Return the date formatted as "Weekday-name, Month-name Day, Year".
	*  @return a string containing the date in the specified format.
	std::string getTextDate() {return getDate("%A, %B %d, %Y");}

int main()
	Date d;
	std::cout << d.getISODate() << std::endl;
	std::cout << d.getTextDate() << std::endl;
	return 0;

Sample output:

Thursday, May 14, 2009


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