The month of October in 2010 has five Fridays, five Saturdays, and five Sundays.
The task
- Write a program to show all months that have this same characteristic of five full weekends from the year 1900 through 2100 (Gregorian calendar).
- Show the number of months with this property (there should be 201).
- Show at least the first and last five dates, in order.
Algorithm suggestions
- Count the number of Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays in every month.
- Find all of the 31-day months that begin on Friday.
#include <vector> #include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <iterator> using namespace boost::gregorian ; void print( const date &d ) { std::cout << d.year( ) << "-" << d.month( ) << "\n" ; } int main( ) { greg_month longmonths[ ] = {Jan, Mar , May , Jul , Aug , Oct , Dec } ; int monthssize = sizeof ( longmonths ) / sizeof (greg_month ) ; typedef std::vector<date> DateVector ; DateVector weekendmonster ; std::vector<unsigned short> years_without_5we_months ; for ( unsigned short i = 1900 ; i < 2101 ; i++ ) { bool months_found = false ; //does a given year have 5 weekend months ? for ( int j = 0 ; j < monthssize ; j++ ) { date d ( i , longmonths[ j ] , 1 ) ; if ( d.day_of_week( ) == Friday ) { //for the month to have 5 weekends weekendmonster.push_back( d ) ; if ( months_found == false ) months_found = true ; } } if ( months_found == false ) { years_without_5we_months.push_back( i ) ; } } std::cout << "Between 1900 and 2100 , there are " << weekendmonster.size( ) << " months with 5 complete weekends!\n" ; std::cout << "Months with 5 complete weekends are:\n" ; std::for_each( weekendmonster.begin( ) , weekendmonster.end( ) , print ) ; std::cout << years_without_5we_months.size( ) << " years had no months with 5 complete weekends!\n" ; std::cout << "These are:\n" ; std::copy( years_without_5we_months.begin( ) , years_without_5we_months.end( ) , std::ostream_iterator<unsigned short>( std::cout , "\n" ) ) ; std::cout << std::endl ; return 0 ; }
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