C++: Minesweeper Game


There is an n by m grid that has a random number (between 10% to 20% of the total number of tiles, though older implementations may use 20%..60% instead) of randomly placed mines that need to be found.

Positions in the grid are modified by entering their coordinates where the first coordinate is horizontal in the grid and the second vertical. The top left of the grid is position 1,1; the bottom right is at n,m.

  • The total number of mines to be found is shown at the beginning of the game.
  • Each mine occupies a single grid point, and its position is initially unknown to the player
  • The grid is shown as a rectangle of characters between moves.
  • You are initially shown all grids as obscured, by a single dot ‘.’
  • You may mark what you think is the position of a mine which will show as a ‘?’
  • You can mark what you think is free space by entering its coordinates.
  • If the point is free space then it is cleared, as are any adjacent points that are also free space- this is repeated recursively for subsequent adjacent free points unless that point is marked as a mine or is a mine.
  • Points marked as a mine show as a ‘?’.
  • Other free points show as an integer count of the number of adjacent true mines in its immediate neighbourhood, or as a single space ‘ ‘ if the free point is not adjacent to any true mines.
  • Of course you lose if you try to cjhlear space that has a hidden mine.
  • You win when you have correctly identified all mines.

The Task is to create a program that allows you to play minesweeper on a 6 by 4 grid, and that assumes all user input is formatted correctly and so checking inputs for correct form may be omitted. You may also omit all GUI parts of the task and work using text input and output.

Note: Changes may be made to the method of clearing mines to more closely follow a particular implementation of the game so long as such differences and the implementation that they more accurately follow are described.

This solution implements the required task and one more command: unknown. It is represented by a ‘?’ that’s why the flag in this solution is represented as a ‘!’

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned char byte;

enum fieldValues : byte { OPEN, CLOSED = 10, MINE, UNKNOWN, FLAG, ERR };

class fieldData
	fieldData() : value( CLOSED ), open( false ) {}
	byte value;
	bool open, mine;

class game
	{ if( field ) delete [] field; }

	game( int x, int y )
		go = false; wid = x; hei = y;
		field = new fieldData[x * y];
		memset( field, 0, x * y * sizeof( fieldData ) );
		oMines = ( ( 22 - rand() % 11 ) * x * y ) / 100;
		mMines = 0;
		int mx, my, m = 0;
		for( ; m < oMines; m++ )
			{ mx = rand() % wid; my = rand() % hei; }
			while( field[mx + wid * my].mine );
			field[mx + wid * my].mine = true;
		graphs[0] = ' '; graphs[1] = '.'; graphs[2] = '*'; 
		graphs[3] = '?'; graphs[4] = '!'; graphs[5] = 'X'; 

	void gameLoop()
		string c, r, a;
		int col, row;
		while( !go )
			cout << "Enter column, row and an action( c r a ):\nActions: o => open, f => flag, ? => unknown\n";
			cin >> c >> r >> a;
			if( c[0] > 'Z' ) c[0] -= 32; if( a[0] > 'Z' ) a[0] -= 32;
			col = c[0] - 65; row = r[0] - 49;
			makeMove( col, row, a );

	void makeMove( int x, int y, string a )
		fieldData* fd = &field[wid * y + x];
		if( fd->open && fd->value < CLOSED )
			cout << "This cell is already open!";
			Sleep( 3000 ); return;
		if( a[0] == 'O' ) openCell( x, y );
		else if( a[0] == 'F' ) 
			fd->open = true;
			fd->value = FLAG;
			fd->open = true;
			fd->value = UNKNOWN;

	bool openCell( int x, int y )
		if( !isInside( x, y ) ) return false;
		if( field[x + y * wid].mine ) boom();
			if( field[x + y * wid].value == FLAG )
				field[x + y * wid].value = CLOSED;
				field[x + y * wid].open = false;
			recOpen( x, y );
		return true;

	void drawBoard()
		system( "cls" );
		cout << "Marked mines: " << mMines << " from " << oMines << "\n\n";		
		for( int x = 0; x < wid; x++ )
		cout << "  " << ( char )( 65 + x ) << " "; 
		cout << "\n"; int yy;
		for( int y = 0; y < hei; y++ )
			yy = y * wid;
			for( int x = 0; x < wid; x++ )
			cout << "+---";

			cout << "+\n"; fieldData* fd;
			for( int x = 0; x < wid; x++ )
				fd = &field[x + yy]; cout<< "| ";
				if( !fd->open ) cout << ( char )graphs[1] << " ";
					if( fd->value > 9 )
					cout << ( char )graphs[fd->value - 9] << " ";
						if( fd->value < 1 ) cout << "  ";
						else cout << ( char )(fd->value + 48 ) << " ";
			cout << "| " << y + 1 << "\n";
		for( int x = 0; x < wid; x++ )
		cout << "+---";

		cout << "+\n\n";

	void checkWin()
		int z = wid * hei - oMines, yy;
		fieldData* fd;
		for( int y = 0; y < hei; y++ )
			yy = wid * y;
			for( int x = 0; x < wid; x++ )
				fd = &field[x + yy];
				if( fd->open && fd->value != FLAG ) z--;
		if( !z ) lastMsg( "Congratulations, you won the game!");

	void boom()
		int yy; fieldData* fd;
		for( int y = 0; y < hei; y++ )
			yy = wid * y;
			for( int x = 0; x < wid; x++ )
				fd = &field[x + yy];
				if( fd->value == FLAG )
					fd->open = true;
					fd->value = fd->mine ? MINE : ERR;
				else if( fd->mine )
					fd->open = true;
					fd->value = MINE;
		lastMsg( "B O O O M M M M M !" );

	void lastMsg( string s )
		go = true; drawBoard();
		cout << s << "\n\n";

	bool isInside( int x, int y ) { return ( x > -1 && y > -1 && x < wid && y < hei ); }

	void recOpen( int x, int y )
		if( !isInside( x, y ) || field[x + y * wid].open ) return;
		int bc = getMineCount( x, y );
		field[x + y * wid].open = true;
		field[x + y * wid].value = bc;
		if( bc ) return;

		for( int yy = -1; yy < 2; yy++ )
		for( int xx = -1; xx < 2; xx++ )
			if( xx == 0 && yy == 0 ) continue;
			recOpen( x + xx, y + yy );

	int getMineCount( int x, int y )
		int m = 0;
		for( int yy = -1; yy < 2; yy++ )
		for( int xx = -1; xx < 2; xx++ )
			if( xx == 0 && yy == 0 ) continue;
			if( isInside( x + xx, y + yy ) && field[x + xx + ( y + yy ) * wid].mine ) m++;

		return m;

	int wid, hei, mMines, oMines;
	fieldData* field; bool go;
	int graphs[6];

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
	srand( GetTickCount() );
	game g( 4, 6 ); g.gameLoop();
	return system( "pause" );


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