C++: Balanced Ternary


Balanced ternary is a way of representing numbers. Unlike the prevailing binary representation, a balanced ternary integer is in base 3, and each digit can have the values 1, 0, or −1. For example, decimal 11 = 32 + 31 − 30, thus can be written as “++−”, while 6 = 32 − 31 + 0 × 30, i.e., “+−0”.

For this task, implement balanced ternary representation of integers with the following


  1. Support arbitrarily large integers, both positive and negative;
  2. Provide ways to convert to and from text strings, using digits ‘+’, ‘-‘ and ‘0’ (unless you are already using strings to represent balanced ternary; but see requirement 5).
  3. Provide ways to convert to and from native integer type (unless, improbably, your platform’s native integer type is balanced ternary). If your native integers can’t support arbitrary length, overflows during conversion must be indicated.
  4. Provide ways to perform addition, negation and multiplication directly on balanced ternary integers; do not convert to native integers first.
  5. Make your implementation efficient, with a reasonable definition of “effcient” (and with a reasonable definition of “reasonable”).

Test case With balanced ternaries a from string “+-0++0+”, b from native integer -436, c “+-++-“:

  • write out a, b and c in decimal notation;
  • calculate a × (bc), write out the result in both ternary and decimal notations.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <climits>
using namespace std;

class BalancedTernary {
	// Store the value as a reversed string of +, 0 and - characters
	string value;

	// Helper function to change a balanced ternary character to an integer
	int charToInt(char c) const {
		if (c == '0')
		return 0;
		return 44 - c;

	// Helper function to negate a string of ternary characters
	string negate(string s) const {
		for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
			if (s[i] == '+')
			s[i] = '-';
			else if (s[i] == '-')
			s[i] = '+';
		return s;

	// Default constructor
	BalancedTernary() {
		value = "0";

	// Construct from a string
	BalancedTernary(string s) {
		value = string(s.rbegin(), s.rend());

	// Construct from an integer
	BalancedTernary(long long n) {
		if (n == 0) {
			value = "0";

		bool neg = n < 0;
		if (neg) 
		n = -n;

		value = "";
		while (n != 0) {
			int r = n % 3;
			if (r == 0)
			value += "0";
			else if (r == 1)
			value += "+";
			else {
				value += "-";

			n /= 3;

		if (neg)
		value = negate(value);

	// Copy constructor
	BalancedTernary(const BalancedTernary &n) {
		value = n.value;

	// Addition operators
	BalancedTernary operator+(BalancedTernary n) const {
		n += *this;
		return n;

	BalancedTernary& operator+=(const BalancedTernary &n) {
		static char *add = "0+-0+-0";
		static char *carry = "--000++";

		int lastNonZero = 0;
		char c = '0';
		for (int i = 0; i < value.length() || i < n.value.length(); ++i) {
			char a = i < value.length() ? value[i] : '0';
			char b = i < n.value.length() ? n.value[i] : '0';

			int sum = charToInt(a) + charToInt(b) + charToInt(c) + 3;
			c = carry[sum];

			if (i < value.length())
			value[i] = add[sum];
			value += add[sum];

			if (add[sum] != '0')
			lastNonZero = i;

		if (c != '0')
		value += c;
		value = value.substr(0, lastNonZero + 1); // Chop off leading zeroes

		return *this;

	// Negation operator
	BalancedTernary operator-() const {
		BalancedTernary result;
		result.value = negate(value);
		return result;

	// Subtraction operators
	BalancedTernary operator-(const BalancedTernary &n) const {
		return operator+(-n);

	BalancedTernary& operator-=(const BalancedTernary &n) {
		return operator+=(-n);

	// Multiplication operators
	BalancedTernary operator*(BalancedTernary n) const {
		n *= *this;
		return n;

	BalancedTernary& operator*=(const BalancedTernary &n) {
		BalancedTernary pos = *this;
		BalancedTernary neg = -pos; // Storing an extra copy to avoid negating repeatedly
		value = "0";

		for (int i = 0; i < n.value.length(); ++i) {
			if (n.value[i] == '+')
			else if (n.value[i] == '-')
			pos.value = '0' + pos.value;
			neg.value = '0' + neg.value;

		return *this;

	// Stream output operator
	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const BalancedTernary &n) {
		out << n.toString();
		return out;

	// Convert to string
	string toString() const {
		return string(value.rbegin(), value.rend());

	// Convert to integer
	long long toInt() const {
		long long result = 0;
		for (long long i = 0, pow = 1; i < value.length(); ++i, pow *= 3)
		result += pow * charToInt(value[i]);
		return result;

	// Convert to integer if possible
	bool tryInt(long long &out) const {
		long long result = 0;
		bool ok = true;

		for (long long i = 0, pow = 1; i < value.length() && ok; ++i, pow *= 3) {
			if (value[i] == '+') {
				ok &= LLONG_MAX - pow >= result; // Clear ok if the result overflows
				result += pow;
			} else if (value[i] == '-') {
				ok &= LLONG_MIN + pow <= result; // Clear ok if the result overflows
				result -= pow;

		if (ok)
		out = result;
		return ok;

int main() {
	BalancedTernary a("+-0++0+");
	BalancedTernary b(-436);
	BalancedTernary c("+-++-");

	cout << "a = " << a << " = " << a.toInt() << endl;
	cout << "b = " << b << " = " << b.toInt() << endl;
	cout << "c = " << c << " = " << c.toInt() << endl;

	BalancedTernary d = a * (b - c);

	cout << "a * (b - c) = " << d << " = " << d.toInt() << endl;

	BalancedTernary e("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");

	long long n;
	if (e.tryInt(n))
	cout << "e = " << e << " = " << n << endl;
	cout << "e = " << e << " is too big to fit in a long long" << endl;

	return 0;


a = +-0++0+ = 523
b = -++-0-- = -436
c = +-++- = 65
a * (b - c) = ----0+--0++0 = -262023
e = +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ is too big to fit in a long long


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