In this User Output task, the goal is to display the string “Goodbye, World!” on a GUI object (alert box, plain window, text area, etc.).
Library: GTK
#include <gtkmm.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Gtk::Main app(argc, argv); Gtk::MessageDialog msg("Goodbye, World!");; }
All Win32 APIs work in C++ the same way as they do in C. See the C example.
Where pWnd is a pointer to a CWnd object corresponding to a valid window in the application.
#include "afx.h" void ShowGoodbyeWorld(CWnd* pWnd) { pWnd->SetWindowText(_T("Goodbye, World!")); }
Library: FLTK
#include <FL/Fl.H> #include <FL/Fl_Window.H> #include <FL/Fl_Box.H> int main(int argc, char **argv) { Fl_Window *window = new Fl_Window(300,180); Fl_Box *box = new Fl_Box(20,40,260,100,"Goodbye, World!"); box->box(FL_UP_BOX); box->labelsize(36); box->labelfont(FL_BOLD+FL_ITALIC); box->labeltype(FL_SHADOW_LABEL); window->end(); window->show(argc, argv); return Fl::run(); }
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