C++: Lucas-Lehmer Test


Lucas-Lehmer Test: for p an odd prime, the Mersenne number 2p − 1 is prime if and only if 2p − 1 divides S(p − 1) where S(n + 1) = (S(n))2 − 2, and S(1) = 4.

The following programs calculate all Mersenne primes up to the implementation’s maximum precision, or the 47th Mersenne prime. (Which ever comes first).

#include <iostream>
#include <gmpxx.h>
static bool is_mersenne_prime(mpz_class p)
        if( 2 == p )
                return true;
                mpz_class s(4);
                mpz_class div( (mpz_class(1) << p.get_ui()) - 1 );
                for( mpz_class i(3);  i <= p;  ++i )
                        s =  (s * s - mpz_class(2)) % div ;
                return ( s == mpz_class(0) );
int main()
        mpz_class maxcount(45);
        mpz_class found(0);
        mpz_class check(0);
        for( mpz_nextprime(check.get_mpz_t(), check.get_mpz_t());
             found < maxcount;
             mpz_nextprime(check.get_mpz_t(), check.get_mpz_t()))
                //std::cout << "P" << check << " " << std::flush;
                if( is_mersenne_prime(check) )
                        std::cout << "M" << check << " " << std::flush;

(Incomplete; It takes a long time.)

 M2 M3 M5 M7 M13 M17 M19 M31 M61 M89 M107 M127 M521 M607 M1279 M2203 M2281 M3217 M4253 M4423 M9689 M9941 M11213 M19937 M21701 M23209 M44497


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