Render a graphical pattern where each pixel is colored by the value of ‘x xor y’ from an arbitrary color table.
#include <windows.h> #include <string> //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- using namespace std; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const int BMP_SIZE = 512; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class myBitmap { public: myBitmap() : pen( NULL ), brush( NULL ), clr( 0 ), wid( 1 ) {} ~myBitmap() { DeleteObject( pen ); DeleteObject( brush ); DeleteDC( hdc ); DeleteObject( bmp ); } bool create( int w, int h ) { BITMAPINFO bi; ZeroMemory( &bi, sizeof( bi ) ); bi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( bi.bmiHeader ); bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = sizeof( DWORD ) * 8; bi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bi.bmiHeader.biWidth = w; bi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -h; HDC dc = GetDC( GetConsoleWindow() ); bmp = CreateDIBSection( dc, &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pBits, NULL, 0 ); if( !bmp ) return false; hdc = CreateCompatibleDC( dc ); SelectObject( hdc, bmp ); ReleaseDC( GetConsoleWindow(), dc ); width = w; height = h; return true; } void clear( BYTE clr = 0 ) { memset( pBits, clr, width * height * sizeof( DWORD ) ); } void setBrushColor( DWORD bClr ) { if( brush ) DeleteObject( brush ); brush = CreateSolidBrush( bClr ); SelectObject( hdc, brush ); } void setPenColor( DWORD c ) { clr = c; createPen(); } void setPenWidth( int w ) { wid = w; createPen(); } void saveBitmap( string path ) { BITMAPFILEHEADER fileheader; BITMAPINFO infoheader; BITMAP bitmap; DWORD wb; GetObject( bmp, sizeof( bitmap ), &bitmap ); DWORD* dwpBits = new DWORD[bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight]; ZeroMemory( dwpBits, bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight * sizeof( DWORD ) ); ZeroMemory( &infoheader, sizeof( BITMAPINFO ) ); ZeroMemory( &fileheader, sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) ); infoheader.bmiHeader.biBitCount = sizeof( DWORD ) * 8; infoheader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; infoheader.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; infoheader.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( infoheader.bmiHeader ); infoheader.bmiHeader.biHeight = bitmap.bmHeight; infoheader.bmiHeader.biWidth = bitmap.bmWidth; infoheader.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight * sizeof( DWORD ); fileheader.bfType = 0x4D42; fileheader.bfOffBits = sizeof( infoheader.bmiHeader ) + sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ); fileheader.bfSize = fileheader.bfOffBits + infoheader.bmiHeader.biSizeImage; GetDIBits( hdc, bmp, 0, height, ( LPVOID )dwpBits, &infoheader, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); HANDLE file = CreateFile( path.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); WriteFile( file, &fileheader, sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ), &wb, NULL ); WriteFile( file, &infoheader.bmiHeader, sizeof( infoheader.bmiHeader ), &wb, NULL ); WriteFile( file, dwpBits, bitmap.bmWidth * bitmap.bmHeight * 4, &wb, NULL ); CloseHandle( file ); delete [] dwpBits; } HDC getDC() const { return hdc; } int getWidth() const { return width; } int getHeight() const { return height; } private: void createPen() { if( pen ) DeleteObject( pen ); pen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, wid, clr ); SelectObject( hdc, pen ); } HBITMAP bmp; HDC hdc; HPEN pen; HBRUSH brush; void *pBits; int width, height, wid; DWORD clr; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class mSquares { public: mSquares() { bmp.create( BMP_SIZE, BMP_SIZE ); createPallete(); } void draw() { HDC dc = bmp.getDC(); for( int y = 0; y < BMP_SIZE; y++ ) for( int x = 0; x < BMP_SIZE; x++ ) { int c = ( x ^ y ) % 256; SetPixel( dc, x, y, clrs[c] ); } BitBlt( GetDC( GetConsoleWindow() ), 30, 30, BMP_SIZE, BMP_SIZE, dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ); //bmp.saveBitmap( "f:\\rc\\msquares_cpp.bmp" ); } private: void createPallete() { for( int x = 0; x < 256; x++ ) clrs[x] = RGB( x<<1, x, x<<2 );//rand() % 180 + 50, rand() % 200 + 50, rand() % 180 + 50 ); } unsigned int clrs[256]; myBitmap bmp; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { ShowWindow( GetConsoleWindow(), SW_MAXIMIZE ); srand( GetTickCount() ); mSquares s; s.draw(); return system( "pause" ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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