10 Facts about Zimbabwe


1. The first president of Zimbabwe was named President Banana


2. In 2013, Zimbabwe’s national public account held only 217 dollars


3. Dictator Robert Mugabe tried to stop a critic of Zimbabwe’s hyperinflation by levying ridiculous taxes on his newspaper; the writer retaliated with advertisements printed on trillion dollar bills, which were cheaper than actual paper


4. Peter Tatchell, a British gay rights activist, attempted a citizen’s arrest on Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe in 1999. Tatchell walked up to Mugabe’s motorcade, grabbed the stunned dictator by the arm, and stated calmly, “President Mugabe, you are under arrest for torture.”


5. In some countries (such as Zimbabwe) it is commonly believed that sex with an albinistic woman cures HIV. This has led to rapes and subsequent spread of HIV


6. The people of an isolated tribe in Zimbabwe only have two toes, aka the ostrich people


7. $1 was the equivalent of Z$35,000,000,000,000,000 when Zimbabwe had crippling hyperinflation. In 2008, their annual inflation had reached 231M%


8. Mengistu, the brutal communist dictator of Ethiopia who had thousands of people executed and may have personally murdered Emperor Haile Selassie, is alive and well under asylum in Zimbabwe


9. There is a mid-rise shopping center in Zimbabwe that uses an air conditioning system inspired by African termite hills. It is ventilated and cooled by natural means and uses less than 10% of the energy of a conventional building its size


10. Only 2 countries bid to host the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup: Canada and Zimbabwe
