8 Facts about Jordan


1. The King of Jordan, King Abdullah II, appeared as an extra on an episode of Star Trek and is currently building a Star Trek themed amusement park in Jordan


2. When it became apparent that Israel was going to win the 1978 Eurovision Song Contest, most of the Arabic countries ended their transmission it. This included Jordan, which replaced the live broadcast with a picture of daffodils and later announced that Belgium had won


3. Petra in Jordan had a more efficient and advanced water system than ancient Rome and could support 40,000 people in the desert


4. Dust/dirt devils are called “djin”, meaning “genie” or “devil”, in Jordan. This is where the mythical genie came from and why genies are typically depicted without legs


5. Immediately after the founding of Israel on May 14, 1948, before their defense force was even founded,  Jordan declared war on it


6. King Abdullah II of Jordan is a direct descendant of the prophet Muhammad


7. A special Mars rover model was built for the making of The Martian. The movie cast and team later presented the rover model to Jordan in return for the hospitality they received, and it is now exhibited in Jordan’s Royal Automobile Museum


8. In 1954, a nun in Jerusalem was escorted by a U.N. official waving a white flag to retrieve a pair of dentures that had fallen from a patient’s mouth into the no-man’s land between Israel and Jordan
