Test whether an integer is even or odd.
There is more than one way to solve this task:
- Use the even and odd predicates, if the language provides them.
- Check the least significant digit. With binary integers, i bitwise-and 1 equals 0 iff i is even, or equals 1 iff i is odd.
- Divide i by 2. The remainder equals 0 iff i is even. The remainder equals +1 or -1 iff i is odd.
- Use modular congruences:
- i ≡ 0 (mod 2) iff i is even.
- i ≡ 1 (mod 2) iff i is odd.
Test using the modulo operator, or use the c example from above.
bool isEven(int x) { return x % 2; }
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