Why Is Your Warmup Vital To Avoid Injury?


Exercise is vital to a healthy life. The NHS recommends that adults should do at least 150 minutes of exercise every week. How you do that exercise is up to you. For over 10 million Brits, the gym is a popular option. Here you can run, cycle or weightlift which are all good options for keeping your body fit and healthy. For many people, however, the gym may not interest them, so play a team sport such as rugby or netball. This gives them their wellness as well as a boost to their social life.

Whenever you exercise, you must prepare properly so not to injure yourself. This means wearing the correct attire, having the right equipment and most importantly warming up. The warm-up comes before your exercise begins and will usually consist of smaller drills to prepare your body for what comes next.

Read on to understand exactly why the warm-up is vital.

The benefits of warming up

There are so many benefits to a good warm-up, here are some of the biggest:

  • Improved performance
  • Improved blood flow
  • Improved oxygen efficiency
  • Faster muscle contraction/relaxation
  • Mental preparation
  • Injury prevention

How does it help you avoid injury?

The warm-up is all about getting your body ready for the exercise. Without the warm-up, your body will be unprepared for what you’re about to do. It is this unpreparedness that causes the injury.

There are two components to a warm-up. Improving blood flow and the supply of oxygen. A light warm-up could be anything from a short jog or lifting lighter weights to get your muscles ready for your working sets.

When you warm-up, your blood is able to travel to the activated muscle groups. Within your blood, is the oxygen it carries. When oxygen is delivered to the muscles it gives the muscle more energy. This will allow your body to work harder, for longer. Therefore, you’ll be able to complete your exercise to the best of your ability without risking injury.

Getting injured will put a stop to any exercise which could have detrimental effects on your health and you may require surgery such as knee replacement. Ensure you warm up properly and keep exercising for longer. Your mind and body will be grateful for it.