Online Gambling Trends of the Past 10 Years


The gambling industry, much like many others, is subject to trends and fluctuations in the market. Players go through phases of what games interest them and some games can fall out of favor with no warning. Keeping track of it can be difficult, but knowing what to capitalize on can make or break a business.

Knowing what games are most popular can be vital to making sure you stay ahead of the curve and giving yourself the best possible chance of success. Whether you are betting on sports or having a spin on the online casino roulette or slots, monitoring trends is vital if you want to get more bang for your buck.


Think about it this way for a second. It stands to reason that the more popular games will help to make more money in the long run, but as with everything, some games will rise in popularity whereas others can be more of a flash in the pan. As it stands the five most popular games are:

  • Slots
  • Roulette
  • Poker
  • Blackjack
  • Baccarat

All of these games have been high on the agenda for many a gambler and are staples in any casino, be it online or on land, which you can see here. Knowing how to tap into this can entice more people into the online casinos, whilst it can give a player an insight into where they should be putting their money.

The Industry has grown

The gambling industry itself has been on an upward trend with more people getting involved than ever before, and it looks to grow even further. In 2013, the gambling industry in the UK was believed to be worth almost $2.5 billion and by 2018 it had risen to almost $4.4 billion. Now in 2021, that figure has almost tripled with almost £14.3 billion being generated. Ten years is a long time though and it would have been more surprising to have not seen any significant growth.

Age is just a number

Around the world, it appears that the majority of gamblers are older people, with the key demographic being 44 to 64. However, this is gradually getting lower; the demographics shift shows that players between the ages of 25 and 34 are increasing in number, so there is a definite shift in terms of interest.  Even taking these figures into account, it shows that there is a clear spike in interest, especially more gamers confirm they gambling each month. Even with the number of gamblers aged between 35 to 43 being smaller than the rest, they still contribute almost 20 percent to online gambling.

With much of the industry being firmly entrenched online nowadays, it is unsurprising that people are logging on to gamble and play on the slots. It is far more convenient just to get your phone or table out, have a spin and just find out what all the fuss is about. With online casinos now being a key part of gambling nowadays, it would not be surprising to see them continue on this upward trend for another ten years.