What Are the Pros and Cons of Going Solar?


Did you know that the market size of the solar power industry is projected to increase by 27.3% by this year?

You’ve no doubt seen news coverage of how affordable solar energy has been for people or the fact that the solar energy industry is now the fastest-growing energy industry in the country. Maybe it’s time to investigate whether or not it’s something you could benefit from.

However, while most of the time, going solar seems like a no-brainer, there are also a few negative things that you might have to contend with, too. Discovering the pros and cons of going solar is a must to make an informed choice.

Here’s a quick look at what you need to know.

Pros of Going Solar

The pros of going solar are numerous and varied, from environmental to financial. Solar panels allow you to generate your own electricity, which reduces your reliance on the grid.

Here are the other pros of going solar.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Reducing your carbon footprint is one of the best reasons to switch to solar power. Solar panels have zero emissions, meaning they don’t release harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. They help to offset carbon emissions by displacing the need for energy generated from fossil fuels.

Switching to solar with Blue Raven Solar can help you do your part to reduce your impact on the environment and fight climate change.

Provides Clean Energy

One important pro of going solar is that it provides clean energy. Solar energy doesn’t produce harmful emissions that can impact air quality or contribute to climate change. It’s a completely renewable resource, so it can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, which are becoming increasingly scarce and expensive.

Renewable Energy Source

Solar power is a renewable energy source that can generate electricity for your home or business. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, which can be used to power appliances, lights, and other electrical devices. Solar power is a clean, renewable energy source that doesn’t produce emissions or pollution. It’s also a very versatile form of energy, as it can be used for many applications.

Solar power is an excellent alternative to traditional forms of energy, such as coal and natural gas.


One of the benefits of solar power is that it is one of the most cost-effective renewable energy sources available. The cost of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems has fallen dramatically in recent years, making it an attractive option for homeowners and businesses alike. Solar PV systems require little maintenance and have a very long lifespan.

Increases Property Value

There are several pros to going solar, but one of the most compelling is that solar power increases property value. Several studies have demonstrated that properties with solar power systems sell more and faster than those without. In addition to the initial investment in a solar power system, a solar is an attractive option for many homeowners.

Helps the Environment

Solar power is one of the cleanest and most renewable energy sources available, and it emits little to no greenhouse gases during operation. Solar panels also last a long time—25 to 35 years on average—and require very little maintenance. They are also relatively easy and quick to install, especially compared to other renewable energy sources like wind turbines.

Solar power is also scalable so that homeowners and businesses can use it.

Reduce Energy Bills

Solar power is one of the most efficient and eco-friendly ways to generate electricity, and it can help reduce your energy bills. Solar panels absorb sunlight and convert it into electrical energy that can be used to power your home or business. Solar power is a clean, renewable resource that reduces your reliance on fossil fuels and can save you money on your energy bills.

Cons of Going Solar

There are a few cons of going solar that are worth mentioning. One is that solar panels can be expensive to purchase and install, although the cost has decreased considerably in recent years.

Here are the other cons of going solar.

Weather Dependent

There are a few cons to going solar, one of which is that it is weather dependent. Solar panels need the sun to work and generate electricity, so there is little to no power generated on cloudy or rainy days. Also, if there is a lot of snow, the panels can become covered and not work as well.

Requires a Lot of Space

Solar panels are generally large and require a lot of space to generate significant power. This can be a problem for many homeowners who do not have a lot of unused space on their property. In some cases, solar panels can also be unattractive and may decrease a home’s curb appeal.

Requires Regular Maintenance

Solar panels require regular maintenance to function properly. This can include cleaning the panels to remove debris, snow, or ice and checking the electrical connections to ensure they are tight and not corroded.

Additionally, the panels should be inspected for damage regularly. While most solar panels are durable, they can be susceptible to damage from severe weather, hail, or falling tree limbs. If damage does occur, it can be expensive to repair or replace the panels.

Damaged by Severe Weather

There are a few cons to going solar, one of which is that severe weather can damage solar panels. This is because solar panels are made of glass, which can break in high winds or hail. Additionally, if solar panels are not installed properly, they can be ripped off roofs during severe weather.

Expensive to Install

The initial investment for solar panels can be high, but there are several ways to finance them. Solar panels can cost upwards of $10,000, and the installation process can be complex and time-consuming. In addition, the long-term savings on your electric bill can be significant.

Going Solar Today

The pros of going solar are that it is a renewable energy source that can help save the environment and save you money on your energy bills. The cons of going solar are that it requires an initial investment, and you will also need to maintain your solar panels. If you are interested in going solar, you should research to see if it is right for you.

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